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Fee Schedule

Personal Tax

Base rate per return                                                                               $60.00

Included in the base rate: up to 5 tax slips (T4, T4A, T4E, T3, T5,T5005, T2202, T4AP, T5007)

Base rate per return - Student                                                               $50.00

Eligibility criteria for a student discount: if you were a full-time student at some point during the tax year and have a T2202, and you are 25 years old or less as of tax year-end.

Self-employed (per T2125)                                                                     $30.00

Uber, Uber Eats, Skip the Dishes, DoorDash, InstaCart, or other contractor types/rideshares. If you have a T4A for a contractor job issued by a company. Totals for income and expenses including vehicle expenses to be provided. If you need assistance to prepare the statement, the fee is charged per hour basis.

Rental Properties (per T776)                                                                  $35.00

Totals for income and expenses are to be provided. If you need assistance to prepare the statements, the fee is charged per hour basis

Work from Home detailed calculation                                                  $15.00

No additional fee is charged for the flat rate method which is commonly used. If you would like to prepare the detailed method, make sure you have the T2200 issued by your employer

Paper filing Admin fee                                                                           $20.00

Paper filing may be required if you are not eligible to file the taxes electronically. If you were a non-resident of Canada at year-end, you will not be eligible to electronically file the taxes and we need to print and mail the return to CRA.

ReFile fee                                                                                                $25.00

Refile fee is not charged if the error or omission was caused by the preparer. If the refile is for a return prepared by a different preparer, we charge the basic rate.

Other Tax Situations (per hour rate)                                                    $115.00

Preparing statements and other unique tax situations are charged based on a per-hour basis.

Corporate Tax

Corporate tax return. Starting from (per return)                                $450.00

The rate mentioned is for a simple corporate tax return if the financial statements are provided to us. If you want us to prepare the financial statements, fee is charged based on a per-hour basic ($100/hour)


Basic Federal Incorporation                                                               $450.00

Numbered company registered with corporations Canada. Government fees are included in this rate.

Custom Federal Incorporation                                                            $485.00

Named company registered with corporations Canada. Government fees are included in this rate.

Accounting & Advisory

Contact us for a quote.

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